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Get tax number in Shopify online store
Get tax number in Shopify online store
Zoltán Molnár avatar
Written by Zoltán Molnár
Updated over a week ago

From 1 July 2020, the legislation on the extension of the NAV data reporting obligation will enter into force. This means that all businesses and all invoices issued to domestic taxpayers will have to provide data to the tax authority.

In order for Webshippy to be able to transmit the correct data to the integrated invoicing systems, it is necessary to record the taxpayer's customer tax number. This can currently be done manually on all order data sheets.

We at Webshippy are working to enable our partners to automate all processes as much as possible, but unfortunately the Shopify store does not support the ability to capture a tax number, and there is currently no extension available that would provide a solution for everyone.

Therefore, we have written an easy to paste HTML code that will allow you to request tax numbers in such a way that the tax number will be sent to the invoicing software via Webshippy.

Webshippy expects the value of the tax number in the field named taxNumber when synchronizing orders


"note_attributes": [ 
"name": "taxNumber",
"value": "12345678-2-11"

The new field is easiest to place on the surface of the basket.

The conversion above can be done by embedding a simple html code. Possible language and formatting options can also be used. The html code should be placed in the appropriate section of the cart template file (e.g. cart-template.liquid).

The editing interface is accessible in Shopfy by clicking on "Actions"->"Edit code" on the Online store->"Themes" page.

The HTML example code to insert:

<!-- Begin taxNumber --> 
<div><h2>The tax number of the customer</h2></div>
<div>(mandatory if the invoice is in the name of a company)</div> <input type="text" placeholder="taxNumber" id="taxNumber" name="attributes[taxNumber]" value="##{{ cart.attributes.taxNumber }}" maxlength="13" style="max-width:160px;">
<!-- End taxNumber -->

Of course, if you are not billing via Webshippy, you can ignore the above information.

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