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How can I contact the Webshippy team?
How can I contact the Webshippy team?
Ferenc Horvath avatar
Written by Ferenc Horvath
Updated over a week ago

Important! Before contacting us, please feel free to browse our Help Center, where you can find answers to your questions categorised by topic.

Help Center and our intelligent search interface

We are constantly working to provide the best background knowledge to use our system and help our customers find answers to their problems quickly.

Our Help Center's intelligent search engine can be accessed through any of our interfaces by clicking on the text bubble icon in the bottom right corner of the screen, or directly at

The search engine will search the entire Help Center for relevant content for a given question, and our colleagues will continue to add to our knowledge base with questions that our customers have not found an immediate answer to.

At Webshippy, we are not only make sure that your packages are in the best hands, but also that all your questions are answered as quickly as possible. That's why we've developed a system that puts speed and efficiency first.

How to contact us

Depending on your question or area, you can contact us in the following ways:

  • Customer service announcement (Ticket)

  • Chat

Professional ticketing system - or the primary interface for customer service communication

Our existing customers can use the most advanced ticketing system available today to resolve more complex issues, and to report questions and requests regarding specific matters.

This ensures accurate information is delivered and fast.

The most effective way to contact us is to record a ticket with your question, request or possible hold-up, which will be answered by the most competent person in the field.

To record a ticket, log in to Webshippy, then click on the "Ticket" icon in the top right corner. The submitted bug report will be confirmed by our system in an email, and our colleague will also email you a response - as soon as possible.

The most common types of customer service enquiries:

  • Parcel delivery, stuck orders, order-related questions;

  • Delivery of goods, stocktaking;

  • Financial matters;

  • Contractual issues;

  • Systems and integration issues;

  • Questions regarding Marketplace procurement, transactions;

  • Claims;

  • Crisis management.

Continuous chat available on all interfaces

Our staff is available on any interface of our system, behind the chat window in the bottom right corner, from 9am to 5pm on weekdays to answer our customers' questions about our services and simple processes.

If you have not found the answer to your question in our Help Center, or if you have a question that you think we can answer quickly and concisely, please start a chat conversation by clicking on the "Chat" icon in the bottom right corner.

The Chat interface typically provides immediate assistance for the following issues:

  • Not found an answer in our Help Center;

  • You are interested in our services;

  • Interpreting system messages;

  • Questions about the steps of the startup;

  • Questions about the operation of the Webshippy interface.

Why no email and phone?

It's no coincidence that the world's most efficient customer service systems operate on similar ticketing systems. At first glance, email and telephone may seem like a faster solution, but in reality they are much more cumbersome and slower. That's why our call centre provides useful, general information, and our ticketing system and chat interface replace live word requests and emails to a central address.

We are confident that you will be satisfied with the way the system works and that you will receive a prompt and thorough response to your queries. We will continue to ensure that you have the most modern logistics support available for your online store.

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