If you have a webhsop you have developed yourself, or a website engine that we are unable to integrate, you can still easily import your orders on our surface created for XLXS files. In order to help you create the XLSX file in the right format and content, we put together a sample file for you. You can also find the possible values of each cell, along with the instructions on how to fill them here:
The XLSX file contains the following columns (*=required field) :
Information concerning orders:
order_id*: Order identification number
order_name*: Name of the order
created_at: Date of creating the order (e.g. 21.08.2020)
payment_status*: Payment status (pending: unpaid, paid)
paid_at*: If the previous field is not empty, the date of payment (e.g. 21.08.2020)
payment_gateway*: Payment method. E.g. C.O.D., Transfer, Credit card, Cash...
cod_amount: If the payment method is C.O.D., put the amount of the payment here. Only numbers, no spaces or special characters.
cod_currency: If the payment method is C.O.D., you need to provide the currency here (e.g. HUF, USD, etc.)
Information concerning shipping:
shipping_address_name*: Name and address of recipient.
shipping_address_company: If there is a company name, the information goes here.
shipping_address_address1*: Line 1 of the shipping address (Street/Road/Square, number, etc. e.g. Vacation street 1
shipping_address_address2: Line 2 of the shipping address, additional information. e.g. floor, entrance number etc.
shipping_address_city*: The city of the shipping address. E.g. Budapest.
shipping_address_country*: The country of the shipping address: E.g. Hungary.
shipping_address_zip*: The postal code of the shipping address.
shipping_address_phone*: Phone number of shipping address. Recommended format: 36201234567
shipping_address_email*: E-mail address of the shipping address. E.g. [email protected]
shipping_note: Shipping note (it does not appear on the package).
Billing information (Only required if billing is handled by Webshippy):
billing_address_name: Billing address name
billing_address_company: Billing address company
billing_address_address1: Billing address street, house number
billing_address_city: Billing address city
billing_address_country: Billing address county
billing_address_zip: Billing address postcode
billing_address_phone: Billing address phone number
billing_total_price: Total amount of invoice
billing_total_discounts: Total discount on account
billing_total_shipping: Total of cost of shipping. Only numbers, e.g. 990
billing_shipping_title: Shipment method, e.g. Courier or home delivery.
billing_shipping_vat: VAT of shipping, e.g. 0.27 in the case of 27%
Product information:
product_sku: Article number of the product (only letters and numbers with no accents, spaces and special characters).
product_name: Name of the product
product_variant_name: Product variant
product_price*: The gross consumer price of the product. Only numbers, e.g. 990
product_vat*: VAT of product, e.g. 0.27 in the case of 27%
product_quantity*: Product quantity.
Additional information:
is_readytopack_at: Postponed posting date
invoice_url: Invoice url, if the invoice is retrieved from an external link
invoice_no: Invoice number
attachment_url: Attachment url, if an attachment is to be retrieved from an external link
tracking_no: Package ID
tracking_label_url: Package ID tag url
promo_ref: Promotional reference number
shipping_address_state: The field for the shipping address. Required for Romanian packages.
billing_tax_number: Tax identification number of the customer. If the buyer is a company and billing is done by Webshippy, it is required information.
Which sales channels will manually uploaded orders got to?
If your webshop is integrated, thanks to automatic order processing, your orders are transferred to Webshippy in the name of your webshop.
While if you upload your orders manually, with the help of an XLXS file, these orders are going to be treated differently, as if they were not coming from your webshop. The system identifies them as if they were the orders of a different sales channel and creates an “Other” sales channel for them. (If one has not been created previously, our system creates this “Other” sales channel immediately following the manual upload. You will find this under “Sales channels”.)