Settings for tax and VAT content
In the WordPress Admin menu, open the WooCommerce / Settings sub-page.
Make sure that "Enable taxes and tax calculations" is checked next to Enable Taxes in the General tab. If not, uncheck it and save your changes. This will enable WooCommerce to handle VAT calculations in the background.
3. On the TAX tab, make sure that the settings correspond to the settings shown in the screenshot below. Be sure to check the boxes for "Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax", Display prices in the Shop - Including tax, Display Prices During Cart and Checkout - Including tax. Save your changes.
4. Then, also in the TAX tab, click on the "Standard rates" tab from the links below the tab and if there is nothing already listed, add the 27% tax rate (Insert row) and make sure that the Shipping checkbox is ticked at the end of the row.
Select product settings
Attention! There are two important things you need to pay attention to when uploading your products: choosing the SKU and the correct VAT key.
The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is the primary identifier used to identify the products in our warehouse with the products on your order. It is therefore essential that all your products have a unique SKU, otherwise we will not be able to prepare incoming orders for dispatch. It is very important that a SKU is only listed once, so if your products have product variations (blue, grey, red), each product variation should have a unique SKU value. (The SKU value can be anything, but do not use accents or spaces)
Another important thing is to assign your products to the correct VAT category, otherwise the desired VAT calculation will not be done in the background. Tax status - Taxable and Tax class - Standard
If you have set all this up correctly, you can be sure that the online invoice calculators will calculate the VAT content on the invoices generated from your online shop orders in accordance with the current NAV rules.