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Invoicing systems
Manual invoice upload in PDF format
Manual invoice upload in PDF format
Ferenc Horvath avatar
Written by Ferenc Horvath
Updated over a week ago

Webshippy's system is very easily integrated with several online invoicing systems, which generate an electronic invoice for the recipient of the parcel on behalf of the owner of the online shop at the moment of closing the parcel. This service is included as standard as part of the package management fee, so all our customers have to do is select the appropriate billing system in the settings.

For our customers who don't want to outsource their billing, but would like their invoices to be printed and included in their bundles, we have created the online PDF invoice upload option.

When you upload invoices manually, the way the bundle is processed is changed so that orders default to a "Not Packable" status and are not processed. Once the PDF invoice is uploaded, orders must be manually marked as "Unpackable", only then will our staff begin processing orders. It is also possible to set the status of the orders to "Packable" without uploading an invoice, in which case the order will be sent without an invoice.

So, let's see what is required to activate the manual PDF invoice upload feature.

Set up manual PDF invoice upload

1. In Webshippy Admin, navigate to the Settings / Invoice page, then select "Manual PDF invoice upload" from the options.

2. In the pop-up window, enter an easily identifiable fancy name for the biller profile you created, or leave the name offered by the system unchanged.

3. If you already have an online shop connected to the system, you can select in a pop-up window which online shops you would like to use the created billing profile for. From now on, the option to upload PDF invoices will be available for this webshop. You can change this at any time later on in the Settings / Sales Channels page, in the settings for each webshop.

4. In the settings of the created invoicing profile, you can choose to print or send the uploaded invoice electronically. When using a manually uploaded PDF invoice, this feature only makes sense for printed invoices, so the setting is on by default.

5. After configuring the billing profile, on the Order Management / Orders page, you can now see that for orders where no invoice has been uploaded yet, the packability status has changed to "No" and the explanation bubble clearly states whether the sending of the parcel is subject to uploading the invoice or manually setting it as packable.

6. When you go to the detail page of a package, a yellow warning message indicates that no account has been uploaded yet, so the package will not be sent automatically. If you still want the package to be sent even though there is no invoice attached, you can change the status to "NOT SENDABLE" by clicking on the button "NOT SENDABLE"

7. If you want to attach an invoice to the order, you will find the "Manually upload PDF Invoice" button in the left menu at the bottom, which you can click to select the invoice you want to upload from your computer.

8. Once the invoice has been uploaded, you will need to confirm that the parcel is ready to be sent by scrolling to the top of the page and clicking on the NOT TO SEND sign to indicate the status as TO SEND.

9. The status has changed, the yellow warning has disappeared and the order is ready to be packed and shipped.

Attention!!! Accurate billing is important, so you can read here for details on the correct settings for your online store.


You can use the invoices you send to your customers for marketing purposes, but they can also be used to comply with your legal obligations. You can add any text content to the invoice note: a short cancellation notice, a thank you message, or a redeemable coupon code to encourage your customers to buy again. Just enter the text you want in the "Invoice default comment" field in the Webshippy Invoice settings and it will be added to the invoice sent, under the total of the invoiced items.

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